UNINA Experience 2019-2020

FIPDes students from Cohort 8 tell about their experience at UNINA:

Although none of us could believe it but it was the end of the 3rd semester!

To summarise, this semester we had very informative lectures and workshops from the UNINA staff, guest lecturer Prof. Bennet from Monash University, Australia, experience of scaling up in the well-equipped pilot plant of the university, sensory evaluation experience of various cheeses, olives and wines.

The most interesting part was that we could work with the students from different universities and nationalities for group projects which helped to improve our teamwork skills. This semester covered many aspects which would be useful in Healthy Food Design like Personalised Nutrition, Human Physiology, regulatory aspects, Food Microbiology, Mediterranean Diet, in depth understanding of Maillard Reaction, etc.

Living in Napoli was a very memorable experience for everyone! The liveliness of the extremely friendly people, beautiful landscapes (especially Amalfi Coast), of course THE REAL NAPOLITANA PIZZA, those narrow lanes in the old town, scattered islands in the blue Mediterranean Sea, Vesuvius, archaeological sites like Pompei and Herculaneum and many more…. made this semester even more awesome!

Finally, the semester ended with the International Lunch, for which everyone came with a typical traditional food from different countries.

Semester was a perfect cocktail of Knowledge, Fun and Joy!

Tushar Kulkarni, India, Cohort 8


- Updated July 2020 -