Summer School 2018 - Dublin, June 5th-14th

FIPDes is a life changing experience and you never never stop expecting the best from it. To live in Dublin is the most amazing experience that brought FIPDes Cohort 7 together and closer to each other.

From 5th June to 14th June we had summer school where we were given enough time to explore ourselves. The week was started with sensory evaluation classes followed by an easy exam which ended up by teaching us theoretic and analytic skills as well. The next week, we amazingly had a career development lecture where we explored the depth of our own individualities and learnt how to take out the best for us from career perspective.

The week was perfectly designed with industrial visits for the next 3 days where we visited Teagsac on the first day and the next day 3 different industries including brewery industry, snail farm and chocolate industry.

The summer school perfectly ended by the visit of Danone team for career recruitment and guidance.
Dublin semester was indeed most exciting, challenging and memorable for all of us. We love Dublin!!

This article was written by Mahnoor Ayub, cohort 7


- Updated July 2018 -